[Vwdiesel] Fuel 101 --( for archives ).
James Hansen
jhsg at sasktel.net
Thu Oct 13 01:48:25 EDT 2005
IIRC, the bulletin I have is dated 1989.
Worst fuel I ever bought was in Utah, on the way back from Arizona. It
barely ran. the 1.6 na was heating, gutless, and laid a black smoke trail
you could cut with an axe.
Back around that time, there was a pretty healthy black market in diesel
fuel as well. Xylene was easily obtainable, by the tanker load, and
unscrupulous individuals were blending their own, going to independant
operators, and selling them a tanker of "fuel" for half of market price. I
watched a W5 documentary about it back then, about stations along the 401.
There were lots of reasons for pumps to die then it seems.
-----Original Message-----
From: vwdiesel-bounces+jhsg=sasktel.net at vwfans.com
[mailto:vwdiesel-bounces+jhsg=sasktel.net at vwfans.com]On Behalf Of H . Hagar.
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 8:21 AM
To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Fuel 101 --( for archives ).
What's the time frame of your story? I have a shell dealer tech bulletin
around here somewhere about it.
Hagar sez : James velly interesting ---as usual I muddy up the fuel by
mixing different
My problems started in about 1991 --92--93 ? . A shell tanker was on way
from Kalifornia
to Alaska with winter fuel.---Local bulk dealer was short of diesel --so
it was directed
by radio to dump some fuel here.
Normally I used ESSO --but it was a Saturday ---and only the Shell Plant
was open.---I
was sold Diesel --billed as # 2 Diesel ---it was CRAP.----that's when I
started to do
rudimentary tests on every BRAND of diesel in town. ( today Oct 2005 I use
Shell ). In
Kanada and Alaska the problem is the bloody COLD.
And in Kanada --there is NO Law regulating diesel fuel like there is for
Gasoline. ----so
my samples was --so different that they spanned from Kerosene to
Vaseline --when coming
out of my Gibson commercial freezer set at max.COOL.---GOOD diesel in those
days would
totally solidify.
Low Cetane number was a big problem in the Bobcat --it requires a minimum
55 ---lubrication was NOT a problem --it has an inline IP. ----VW Diesels
are designed
for better than 50----Shell brags about 40.---- VW will not let you use # 1
diesel in 1977
to 1984 models.
BOSCH --Stanadyne investigation concluded that lack of Lubrication ruined
the pumps.
They showed pictures of dissected pumps ---NOT a pretty sight. --Say I.
I think Roger Brown may still be able to tell us where to get those reports
?. Scott Kair
posted a link to pump failures . He may be of help.
My conclusion ? ---NEVER trust big or small Oil --to tell the truths on
diesel fuel.
Kanadian Rabbit IPs failed at about 60 000 KM. --more on that under Pumps.
PS : We have no way of testing Cetane number --so we go by listening to
irls. --when they hummm
it is ok.----with experience it is not too hard to tell. ? Ja ?
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