[Vwdiesel] A1 commodities markets

S. Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Tue Oct 18 00:09:47 EDT 2005

I was surprised yesterday when I was cruising eBay for prices on Diesel 
Rabbits.  People are really bidding them up.  I was checking that out 
because, this weekend, my dad is going to fly from Dallas to Southern 
Indiana where his plan is to start up my old 1.5L '80 Rabbit and drive 
it 900 miles back across America so he can commute to work in it.  I was 
sort of hoping that maybe I'd find one for sale cheap locally....  I 
made a lot of dumb mistakes learning to work on that car and it's been 
parked for 8 years.  Now someone with a less-than-mint-conditon AARP 
card wants to drive it that far.  Especially creepy since both he and I 
have had huge amounts of problems _towing_ old cars that far.  I blew up 
three or four old dry-rotted tires and a transmission and he blew up, I 
think, six tires.  I was with him and it left us both fighting a tire 
spoon in a truck stop at night. 

He rebuilt his first tractor when he was 11, so he'll probably be fine, 
but I don't really want him deciding that he has to abandon my car 
somewhere in Arkansas. 

So, I guess either wish him lousy luck in starting it or great luck in 
driving it. 


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