[Vwdiesel] Shock opinions

slatersfb@aol.com slatersfb at aol.com
Tue Oct 18 09:37:37 EDT 2005

-----Original Message-----
From: Roger Brown <r.c.brown at ieee.org>
To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Cc: audi-VW-Diesels at yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, 17 Oct 2005 11:50:06 -0700
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Shock opinions

slatersfb at aol.com wrote:
> KYB Gas shocks are the best ride I've found without undue harshness. Also, 
they are guaranteed for as long as you own the car in which they are installed. 
I've gotten at least 6 new sets of shocks & struts from KYB for free. I change 
them out whenever I'm not happy with the ride. With good wheel balance you can 
expect about 50k miles.
> Only drawback I've found is I think they use straight weight oil inside; ride 
in summer is a lot softer than in winter. 
> Bob in the Entirae State

I've found the KYB Gas Adjust strut inserts tonot be very good, or at least to 
not last very long with heavy use.  When my last 
wore out (seals failed, lost gas pressure then lost fluid), I replaced the 
Bilstein HD A1 inserts and they have been wonderful. 
  I do run the KYB GasAdjust shocks ont he back of my pickup and they are great 
there, last forever, ride and handle well.  Just 
can't say the same thing about their strut inserts.   shop receipt showing 4 
shocks+labor.  I would have had to take them to a 
distributor facility and hope they would exchange them for me, II found KYBs 
replacement policy was sort of painful, I had 
purchased mine from a shop that installed them, so I had no invoice for the 
shocks, only a finally decided I would not even want 
another set.  I've heard the KYB GR2 inserts are better, but have not used them 
myself.  Bilstein is great on replaements, call 
up their 800 #, then they ship a replacement to you, return the bad part and 
they even pay for shipping both ways.


GR2 is what I've used, and 50k miles is about max I've gotten before they
stop working well. Never had any leak; they just don't damp well any more.
The return policy has always been great though, the parts house where I buy
them is close by and they've never given me any problems.
Bilsteins have always seemed too harsh for my taste, though I've never had them 
in my own car. You say the A1HD inserts are good; maybe it's time I gave
them a try. They are guaranteed also? I didn't know that. Cool. Later.
Bob in the Entire State

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