[Vwdiesel] Crap!

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Wed Oct 26 10:38:38 EDT 2005

Anybody in the PNW have a 1.5 block kicking around?

Yes Loren  --  Old Hagar has 5 sitting by the front door  plus a 1.6 L  ---- I have been
checking out my friends  ---  Smokey and the Bandit ---to find some FREE shipping.   This
situation is a good example of why I tried to get a Pick-Up   to start with.-----I am
overdue for a trip to Seattle WA. --to see the outlaws.
---your Son would have a new block like likkety split.

I missed a VW Pick-up by the skin of my teeth last year.---due to medical potholes.

The shipping system here is all in your favor---those big rigs  go north loaded and south

Keep us posted on progress.


PS :    1.5L  blocks should be plenty around the PNW.----IMHO.  Running engines ? NO
blocks Yes.

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