[Vwdiesel] Fuel 101 --- ( the MICROBES ---nasty little crittters )
H . Hagar.
h_hagar at prcn.org
Thu Oct 27 12:01:44 EDT 2005
How long can I reasonably go before having to
worry about stuff growing in my fuel system? What
additive concentrate is best?
I've only had to replace wheel bearings on one
Rabbit so far ... I went with the better ones
offered by NAPA.
William .A . Thompson. and ALL Hagar sez : Stuff growing in Diesel fuel , is a curse
like no other. ---Try not to get infected in the first place. ----Here is one medicine
that will do it. USAF mill specs will give you all the details.----Boeing is a good
source of inf. too. Medicine : ? this is what Hagar uses.
BIOBOR -- JF. ----------- it is made in Houston Texas.
What exactly is the curse ? ---it plugs filters like crazy. --Ask Loren about the MB.
And The farmers in James Hansen land ----who could not get the Canola in the barn ---due
to plugged filters --THEY know about it. Here ? yes I have a bunch of infected tanks
(1000 litre stuff) ---may have to clean it some day soon.(the fuel that is).
How long does it take to get infected ? --that is a moot question----BUT take your old
fuel filters apart ---and if they are black as tobys butt ? ----your Rabbit needs
medicine. As part of my experiments with fuels --yes I am trying to disinfect the tanks
using Ozone.----That stuff seems to kill all living things.
To fill a 1000 litre tank with Ozone ? --Apple Pie. ----To kill all ALL critters in a
bedroom ? like bedbugs and dustmites etc ? fill the room with Ozone ----- nothing
will survive -no molds no nothing.
Not even Avian Flu virus.----Be careful now.--you all.
PS : keep the fuel as dry and as COOL and in the dark , as possible ---use metal
containers. --Jerry Cans ? there is Hitler again ?. Ja ?.---to test Fuel moisture
levels ? .---use a small bag of Silica Gell ----it is Purple in dry fuel and White --yes
it turns white if moisture is present. If you are really sophisticated you use a
dewpoint reading---ah no need to go that fancy. --By the way we have a Micro Biologist in
this forum --would someone kick his butt and get him to explain where those little
grabbers come from ? -Please.
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