[Vwdiesel] Oil question-seeking closure

Doyt W. Echelberger doyt at buckeye-express.com
Thu Oct 27 16:23:10 EDT 2005

My level 3 solution of taking the oil and the battery in the house IS 
pretty radical....and I only had to use it once in my whole life....back 
when synthetic oil wasn't something you could buy at any grocery store. I 
just mentioned it to maintain historical accuracy.

After running all your postings through my brain and allowing them to 
ferment,  I think that I had better consider 4 new injectors, a big new 
battery, synthetic Rotella, and a battery warmer blanket for the old 85 
Jetta TD this winter. 20 years on a set of injectors is pretty good 
service. It's time to retire them. And it already has the engine block heater.

The other thing I'll do is take off the windshield wipers and try to polish 
up the shafts that rotate the wipers. The wipers have been slowing down all 
summer, and my mechanic said he just did the polishing job on another 
customer's VW with the same symptoms. Apparently the shafts get some 
corrosion on them and start binding up. Probably a common problem in 
VW's.  Add it to the door handle routine failure/need to lubricate annually.

The sun came out this afternoon, so I'm inspired to grab the tools and get 
busy. Thanks for all the ideas.

Doyt Echelberger

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