[Vwdiesel] Cummins diesel injector pump failure

Tim Hicks emailastro at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 27 23:56:14 EDT 2005

The lift pumps Dodge uses in its trucks are really poor quality and fail often. There are other lift pumps like F.A.S.S. that are very dependable and will last forever. If you buy a Dodge Ram with a Cummings engine you should at least have a fuel pressure gauge mounted somewhere so you can tell when your lift pump is going out. Lift pumps rarely just go out; they gradually get weaker and weaker until they fail. I have a 99 Dodge Ram 2500 4X4 and so far the lift pump is ok. I bought it used so I don’t know if it was ever changed. You can buy a pillar mount and install 3 gauges. You really need the three Turbo boost, automatic trans temp and fuel pressure.


LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
In a message dated 10/27/2005 10:40:50 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
doyt at buckeye-express.com writes:

> The flaw is this. There is a pump that supplies fuel to the injector pump. 
> It is electric, and as it dies, the pressure to feed the injection pump is 
> too low, 

When Dad test drove his '98 1/2 it died about two blocks into the test 
He still liked it and ended up getting it with a new injector pump. A year 
two later it was acting a little weak so he dumped in a bunch of 2 cycle oil 
and lubricity additive and limped home. He tested the pump pressure and 
sure enough lift pump was shot. Dealer figured the stuff he added probably 
helped save the IP, maybe. IP survived fine and they replaced the lift pump 
but not after a big battle with warranty. They claim the warranty doesn't 
a lift pump on a diesel since the "fuel pump" is the IP. It will on a gas 
since the lift pump IS the fuel pump. Dealer CLAIMS Dad's is the only one 
that warranty paid for. States it clearly but the service manager didn't 
to argue for it so luckily Dad heard the conversation, piped up and was put 
on the phone. :-)
That pump issue is the reason I suggested a friend only look at a 12valve 
version now that he's shopping. 
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