[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 195 --- ( what price FREEDOM ? )

Chuck Carnohan Chuck.Carnohan at itd.idaho.gov
Fri Sep 2 14:05:11 EDT 2005

I'm not so sure the prices will come down to previously outrageous
levels of pre Katrina.  My guesstimate is along the lines of; The storm
is a good excuse for the oil folks to jump prices WAY up there so that
when the excitement of the storm damage/death is over folks will be
content with paying an even higher outrageous and usurious price for

It isn't so much that the price for fuel is too high- it is more about
who is profiting from the margins.  In Europe a big portion of the fuel
cost is attributable to tax.  This tax is used to maintain/build roads,
do mass transit, bike/ped facilities and the like.  Here in our
situation all the money is going to a few big oil companies and their
cronies.  The "people" see no advantage from the higher prices.

Here in the US our highway funding comes from gas tax set at a
percentage per gallon.  With these high prices, the portion for tax does
not go up, folks will drive less, buy fewer gallons and so the
transportation funding will/has dropped.

What happened to our government intervention such as the '70's and '80's
when we had energy problems?  

Drive 55 and stay alive (save fuel)
Windfall Profit Tax on Oil companies
Auto Manufacturers required quota on fuel efficient autos.

We have seen no action from our current regime other than our leader
going down to the ravaged area to shake hands in an effort toward
political redemption.  Who's idea was it anyway to put FEMA under
Homeland Security?  It would seem that neither agency can do their jobs
well now.  Too much bureaucratic BS, IMHO.


-----Original Message-----
From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com]
On Behalf Of LBaird119 at aol.com
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 8:16 PM
To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 195 --- ( what price FREEDOM
? )

They are so ignorant that they said Price and Wage control does not work
----I have
first hand experience IT WORKS.

  We had them in WWII as well.  That's why we have health insurance 
instead of people just paying for it themselves.  It was a "bonus" to 
draw people to a company when wage freezes prevented offering more 
money.  Anybody remember the cable bill?  That's why the price of 
cable has doubled in the last 7 years or so.  There are ALWAYS ways 
around price freezes.  They are generally destructive in some respect.  
They don't tend to go away when the freezes are removed.
  You don't declare martial law on a COUNTRY because of unrest and 
destruction in two cities.  You declare it in those cities.  
  It IS unsettling how much we are getting gouged BEFORE any actual 
costs increases or shortages actually happen.  Of course it MAY prevent 
actual, MAJOR shortages.  Just so long as the prices come back down, 
which most will have to.
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