[Vwdiesel] Altitude compensation

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun Sep 4 10:49:42 EDT 2005

I don't know, but I doubt very much there are high enough compression
engines on the consumer market that REQUIRE high octane rated fuel. Higher
compression gives higher burn temp, and more nitrogen emissions.  Lower
compression gives less. I think the fuel requirements have more to do with
running a more agressive timing advance curve, and leaner mixture to get
better performance.  I would suspect as you do, that lower octane fuel in
most engines would not be as detrimental to mileage in the majority of
cases, regardless of altitude.

Hagar has a question  :   (or two) ? ---- I have to PLEASE the unusual sister
Sigrid"  ----from sunland LA.---why ? my life depends on it.  Sorry to say that I NEED
those two a lot more than they need me.

Sigrid has a 2001 ?  Passat gasser -- Q  :   is that an high compression engine
?----further is it OK to use 89 --octane ?  ----- Loren Sigrid own the  " THE VOLARE"  as
well --am I permitted a couple of LOL ?.--and the Rabbit with all the needles (pine)---was
my original dream. Now sleeping her life away " "Bunny      Blue".----------------1980
1.5L NA  four door deluxe made in Germany---nice round eyed girl.---BUT wrong color. -----
Azure's Blau  ---  I want  Light Blue.(and a TURBO).


PS :   The card lock people here tells me  that they sell only  87 and 89 octane.

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