[Vwdiesel] *help! '93 EV diesel tranny problems*

Libbybapa@wmconnect.com Libbybapa at wmconnect.com
Sun Sep 4 09:30:27 EDT 2005

I don't know diddley about eurovans, but the vanagon clutch system is 
hydraulic.  If the clutch is not disengaging, then the clutch thickness is fine.  You 
have a problem with the release system.  A hydraulic clutch system utilizes a 
pedal assembly, master cylinder, line, and slave cylinder pretty much just 
like a hydraulic brake system.  If you run low on fluid it will not release 
properly.  In that instance you will also introduce air into the line.  There air 
will need to be bled out.  I would check for leaks, fill the reservior and 
check.  If that doesn't work I would try bleeding the line.  If that didn't work 
I would face componect replacement (master or slave cylinder).  Good luck.


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