[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 196 --- ( price of FREEDOM was too High --IMHO )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun Sep 4 13:27:59 EDT 2005

Hagars OPINION :     Katrina will NEVER be remembered as Amerikas finest hour.--- and yes
I am outspoken and OPINIONATED..

Too Late and too much. ----   bad use of money.---WASTE pure and simple .----Why
  ---over reaction due to a guilty feeling in the White House.

My Amerikan friends you are being treated like Mushrooms ---kept in the dark and fed Horse
If Hagar was commander ? ----A LOT of heads would roll. ----NO ifs and or Buts.    In NASA
Hammer ---had to go ?  ---right.   ---In  FEMA ?   get rid of  THE HEAD. ---he is a waste
of money.

Why did I say I would use Martial Law --from day one ? ---very simple ---read on.   A
bus-driver gets to ----Houston  and is told to go to  San Antonio  ------He say no way I
am only allowed to drive so many hours (in a day)- Under Military Law you drive on if
ordered.----ONLY MILITARY rules apply. --period.

Under Hagar rules every bus would have two drivers.---PERIOD  --and a National guard fully
armed and with radio  on board ----   I-10  --would be commandeered --no other
traffic ---except by  a program.

Under Hagar rules a team from Holland would be in New Orleans right now.   Holland's best
dike builders.

--Under Hagar rules all the Fuel tankers of  Texas would be rolling for Louisiana. etc.

United States is anything BUT. ----it is Balkanized  --states have rights ?  ---garbage.

Under Hagar rules New Orleans would have been evacuated ---by Military order  --and
transportation provided.----Remember it was a mandatory evacuation ?  --- so
transportation must be provided.

I am frankly disgusted to see the mess --of BAD judgment.   Charity Hospital runs out of
Diesel Fuel ?
---- with mothers having Babies ?  --Head of Hospital administrator should roll.

Rant could go on and on and on and on ---but ----you guys would likely excommunicate me.
Ja ?.


PS :    yes I was crying ----to see good old Amerikan know how fail.---was too much. --and
color and status was a factor IMHO.

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