[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 197 --- ( Red Adair oil well fire fighter class A one )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun Sep 4 14:28:08 EDT 2005

Hagar sez   yes this is Diesel related ---- bloody right. ---And does it relates to
Katrina ?   yes it does.

Texas that fantastic State  has a pool of  EXPERTS  ---just like Holland  has a pooool a
really BIG pool of Dike building EXPERTS---read my lips.  --well on to the tale ---I am a
Dane and suddenly Denmark discovers OIL glorious OIL in the North Sea ---wow --we are
rich.  ----Then a platform goes on fire and the argument in Denmark ?  --should we hire
Adair to put it out ?----The Danes were stubborn and STUPID just like my Amerikan
friends --at times -----  We can handle this---STUPID bastards---yeiks.

This is where experience comes in ----Red Adair had put out lots of well fires --? Ja  ?
how many did the Danes put out ?  ---NIL nothing no how. --I shall spare you the rest.

So ?   if you have troubles with that little Jewel of a Rabbit diesel ?   First read
Loren --then go to ------------------------- Roger Browns , to me "Charlie Brown"  --go to
his home page ---super site if ever I saw one. ----- EXPERTISE is where you find it ---and
find it you can.---Thanks to Bill Gates.

and the net guy --I forgot his name.


PS : I found lots and LOTS of expertise right in this forum.---WOW.

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