[Vwdiesel] *help! '93 EV diesel tranny problems*

rOLf peCHUkas rbp at 4u2bu.org
Mon Sep 5 16:38:58 EDT 2005

thanks Loren

>   Use the MB method of bleeding.  It seems to work better.  Connect a 
> hose
> from the nearest brake cylinder/ caliper to the clutch slave 
> cylinder's bleed
> nipple.  Of course crack the wheel nipple first and pump the air out 
> of the hose
> THEN connect.  Open the clutch slave bleed and pump the brakes while 
> someone
> closes the wheel nipple on the upstroke of the pedal.  A few pumps and 
> Three people make it nice.  One to pump, one to watch the reservoirs 
> for low
> fluid or bubbles and one to tighten and loosen the wheel nipple.
>   Tried simply pumping it out on Dad's MB and no luck.  A couple 
> minutes of
> that method and it was perfect!
>      Loren

I can now drive again

but my clutch is still only 1/2 there
bad seal somewhere, I'm assuming slave cylinder since that's the 
hardest to replace (and it's wet - master's dry)

anyone know how to make *sure* it's the slave before I start dropping 
the tranny, or whatever horrible thing I have to do?

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