[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 201 ---( Katrina and I )

LBaird119@aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Tue Sep 6 16:17:43 EDT 2005

In a message dated 9/6/2005 11:44:06 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
h_hagar at prcn.org writes:

> Katrina showed us exactly what is WRONG in Amerika. ----the gap between 
> have and have
> NOT----the racial division ---and the FACT that the UNITED states are 
> anything but
> UNITED.------Amerika is like the Balkans.

  Class distinction has nothing to do with it.  The "haves" are the ones 
in and helping or giving to help, those that don't or didn't have.  You don't 
something from nothing nor a job from someone that's destitute.  

> worry about Casinos ? ---not for one second. -----worry about COST to 
> taxpayer ?--NEVER have No fear.
> You need help it is coming ---and FAST.

  But that's the problem with government.  No worry about cost to taxpayers.  

Sure, in an instance like this you do what is needed but a "no worry" 
in one area can...  WILL spread to all others when government is concerned.
(yeha, I KNOW what you're saying!)  :-)

> IDIOTS ?   yes IDIOTS wall to wall.---get rid.   ----  FEMA under  Homeland
> Security --was a mistake ?  ---never  --it was STUPIDITY..---.

  Amen!  Government is big and inefficient enough without putting an 
emergency response division under a slow paced, investigative, newly 
formed, one-more-pile-of-red-tape-to-go-through pile of government.
  We have  a FEMA guy in our midst but I won't mention him by name 
in case he doesn't care to comment. ;-)

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