[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 209 -- ( A fanatic DIY speaks his mind )
H . Hagar.
h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri Sep 9 17:11:05 EDT 2005
I Hagar reads every thread in this forum ----NO PRISONERS.
And yes I do have my " Must Read list " ---a military secret. ----BUT Mark Shepherd
is prominent.
The following tale is long winded --it spans from 1941 to 2005 ---- DIY ? yeah that
involves hands ON and ----DOING IT.---and Hagar did and did and did and did ---nuff?.
The fantastic Danish school system got me started --not one NOT ONE ya hear ? kid left
behind --and
I was at the bottom of the list.----PUBLIC school system.----my American friends are
you reading ? ---------make sure you fund your system. ---was it pedantic? --brutally
disciplinary ? ---bet your butt---just ask------my butt about Mr.Andersen's bamboo
stick.----He would arrive in class with a parcel in a PLAIN __BROWN WRAPPER.---during that
hour ---there was a lot of nervous students.AND lots paying attention. ----By the way I
was part of the last generation of Danish students with compulsory ---eh MANDATORY
bible classes---- yeah I flunked.
But did I ever SHINE ? ----bet your BUTT. ----Physics and Woodwork.and physed-Ed----and
MR. Andersen was the
--the woodworks teacher for the whole school ---why ? --well first he was good ---and he
would NOT-----let any nincompoop other teacher mess with his domain.--that was one sharp
looking wood working shop let me tell you. ---NOT one scratch on a bench.---Mr.Andersen
liked me ----but he was the school hangman ---softy woman teachers needed someone to cane
unruly students ---and Mr. Andersen was----it.----Was he a sadist ? ---I do not think
so.---I would never complain.
Here comes the 2005 connection-----JA ? ---when Germany did the dastardly bombing of the
Polish----------Capital ----Denmark sent lots of help----convoys of trucks with food and
Toys for Polish kids for Christmas.----Mr. Hansen walks in and say ---WE meaning all of
us will now make Toys for the kids of Poland.---- and let me tell you guys this was NO
Orleans waffling and flubbing around ----HE was the commander in chief --period ---NO
arguments.--- and I am happy to say I got first prize for my model-------of a Polish
Warship ----and in front of the whole class it was named . MS.Pilsudski --- and off to
Poland it went---. now we skip about a thousand years to British Columbia ---Sunshine
Coast---7600---------------------I live on the highway ---so I put down a bucket of
sawdust ---planning for beatification ? ----right.? ---why not ? Lenora is a
Horticulturist --- a flower child.---and I am still in my prime.
A Volvo station wagon stops across the highway --and a woman (gorgeous) pail in one
hand and shovel in the other ---crosses the highway and start filling her buckets.----
Now remember Hagar is a bit of a bofoon ---so I walk up to her and say ---Lady --You are
under arrest for stealing sawdust on my property.
Low and behold ---she lives across the highway and she is the wife of a Polish
Surgeon ---working here in town.-----after talking to her for a while ? --that is right
we are the best of friends.----BUT my real hope ? was to find out WHO --got my Pilsudski
?-----ah well. Did I Hagar wind up under his knife ????-------------------bet your
butt. ----BUT I am still writing. Ja ?-----
Do I Hagar do dumpster diving ---in the Chief Surgeon's dumpster ? --guess.
If Pawel is as good with his scalpel as Hagar is with tools ? ---I got NO worries.
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