[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 210 --- ( Katrina and debit cards )
H . Hagar.
h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat Sep 10 16:40:19 EDT 2005
----- Original Message -----
From: "H . Hagar." <h_hagar at prcn.org>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2005 1:28 PM
Subject: Rabbit droppings # 210 --- ( Katrina and debit cards )
> Debit card for a Rabbit owner ? ??? --IMHO stupid ---never give a needy person
> cash------just ask Hagar----. WHY .
> So ? ---how and where did I pick up this bit of WISDOM ? ----in BC Kanada. -- and
> from WHO ?-------- Flying Phil the highways minister ----- yes I met him at a
> party. ----strange man ---Minister of a Church (type I do not know) small man with a
> EGO.---- I shall spare you my impressions of the man------but I do remember him
> aying --that poor people was NOT poor for lack of money.------I regurgitated that one
> a while ----and came to the conclusion that He was RIGHT.
> The best you can do for a Rabbit owner in the south ? ---the address to this
> forum.---PERIOD.
> Can I handle say 100 needy Rabbit owners and --kids and all here ? ---piece of Apple
> Am I willing ? -----try me ---they will live in tents ---and the Girls will wash
> hair OUTSIDE.
> The only rule in this place (in the beer garden) is NO rules. ----I am going to ask
> Shepherd------------to tell about the evacuation of London during the blitz. ----- why
> I think our Yankee friends can learn a thing or two.------FEMA was a
> ---IMHO.----Brown has No idea ? --well with Hagar as Commander in Chief ?---he
> know---He would be ambassador in Outer Mongolia for the rest of his life..
> So if you want to help a fellow Rabbit Diesel owner ? ---in the south
? --simple ---your
> skill , your tools ----and your compassion.---that can be one POTENT concoction.---Ja
> Ramblings finished ---for now.
> Hagar.
> PS : Now what the heck does this all matter to Hagar ? ---I feel I owe a lot to all
> those magnificent ---------Amerikans I met in my life.-----I will be happy to provide
> names as a list----a long one. Was I--Hagar-----------impressed the first time I flew
> the Mississippi at 500 feet ? ---beyond words.---I am talking about the River "Old
> River "------wow.----oh and start with compassion.
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