[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 211 --- ( Home pages of members )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat Sep 10 18:19:54 EDT 2005

Hagar is NOT smart enough to have a home page --- BUT do I read yours ?  ---bet your

For DIY stuff ?  ---Roger Browns is a masterpiece  " Charlie Brown "     and for
entertainment and Human content ?  ---Shawn Wright  ---is my choice. ----Mark Shepherd
show your wife his pictures ----and she may go.
To have a real BC vacation ?  ---rent a motorhome ---the one I got was mounted on a
 GM -Vandura ? -----or something   ---forget the name BUT I will never forget how easy it
was to drive----- I took my ---relatives on a trip around BC----WOW  --never parked where
it cost money.-----can that still be done ?  ---------bet your butt.
 Propane fridge ---Propane Stove ----fantastic trip ----Goldpanning ? with pinger gold in
every pan ?-----------how do you like them for Apples ?.
Yes I spent many many enjoyable hours  (56 dial up)  on your Pages.    Am I really
interested in WHO you are ?  --for sure for sure ---I know lots of families from
here ---and  ---your ROOTS etc. I find very very interesting-------when I used
Paltalk ---I wound up talking to a guy who lived in a house where I lived in
Denmark --just by chance--- I lived there in 1936  ---and  found out that the
owners ---was socializing with my mothers family --ever after.-----Internet IS something
EH ?.   I wound up talking to the Landlady ----------on skype  ---and she remembered
me ---she was about 90 something.---She died in the middle of a conversation.---ah well.

Life goes on ----at least I got in contact with her daughter  ---that cute little thing I
played with. ----

for years.


PS : it was her son I got to talk to originally

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