[Vwdiesel] It runs!!! :-)

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun Sep 11 13:25:27 EDT 2005

Shawn Wright  ---  Hagar has followed your project from day one ---Honing and all. ----and
I am impressed.-----I looked for a long time for some things here to send you --by snail
mail.    BUT   I have so many   ---tons of unorganized stuff --that I never found
it....---One thing was a super indicator light for dashboard --for glow-plugs.----and 12
feet of real  thermocouple wire.--a Corporate donation ?.---and you know who  ? --(MB)

All that work will feel real GOOD  --when you sit in a lawn chair , with a COOL beer ---at
Lake Louise----BC  ---and the kids are in the Canoe exploring the lake---- Ja ?

I know that Lake all too well ---I hunkered down there waiting out those horrible days of

IMHO    as a military man --that was the best place at that time. Did I have a Geiger
Counter with me ?
bet your but ---that is a lie ---a radiation detector.---When I got to Vancouver BC --I
got the counter.
 A hillbilly radiation detector ?  --kitchen aluminium foil  --works like crazy.


PS : use the thinnest foil you can find --cigarette packs still use Aluminium ?---that
would be good --just don't suck on the fags.

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