[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 212 ----( Finger pointing by Hagar ? ---watch out it has a NAIL in it)

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun Sep 11 15:03:24 EDT 2005

Hagar takes NO prisoners  ---count on it.(Katrina talk)

"My"  --Amerika has turned in to a cesspool of CYA  ---wizards.-----am I disappointed ?
you bet your butts --I am downright distressed.
Get ANY of the top in front of Russert for 5 minutes ---listen carefully ---and you know
what I mean.

They should ALL have to face Russert and Hagar.  ----yes even the black Mayor of New
Orleans  ---was a flop --FEMA was a flop ---Blunderbush was a FLOP.

Now for the GOOD side ?---yes they exsists.  --The Pumping stations are absolutely
UPER  --IMHO.-----really nice design  IMHO.   ------ Is this a Louisiana problem ?  or is
it an Amerikan problem ?  ----------------IMHO   ---Amerikan.  ---Diesel content ?   you
bet and I point my finger at the Administrator of the " Charity Hospital "  -----NEVER
should a diesel backup in a Hospital fail for lack of FUEL.?  --in less than a
week.?----or for any other reason in a flood.?---.( NOT on my watch ).

Do we in Kanada have resent experience with Martial Law ?   --bet your butts  and it
--should it have been used in this case ? --absolutely---NO RED TAPE anywhere.


PS :  Hagar is totally disgusted with the response.(first 5 days).

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