[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 212 ----( Finger pointing by Hagar ?---watch out it has a NAIL in it)

Area31 Research Facility stephensrw at stn.net
Sun Sep 11 18:29:07 EDT 2005

I really cannot believe all the mistakes and bullshit that I see the
administration doing instead of helping the hurricane victims.  The latest
brilliant idea I heard on the alleged news was to stop placing emergency
relief debit cards directly into the hands of the needy and instead placing
money into bank accounts for them.  These people can't deal with banks!
Crap, I am not in a crisis and I CAN'T DEAL WITH BANKS!  Why didn't the
government purchase gold for the survivors and issue thrm Gold Certificates?
I'm kidding, that would be just about as useless.  These disaster management
people who are in charge are clearly all morons.

I agree with Hagar about the hospital administrator that did not have fuel
in stock for the emergency generator. I think he should be made to appear on
national television with a dunscap, made to apologize to all the people he
hurt or the families of those he allowed to die through his incompetence and
then dismissed without a pension.


----- Original Message -----
From: "H . Hagar." <h_hagar at prcn.org>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2005 3:02 PM
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 212 ----( Finger pointing by Hagar
?---watch out it has a NAIL in it)

> Hagar takes NO prisoners  ---count on it.(Katrina talk)
> "My"  --Amerika has turned in to a cesspool of CYA  ---wizards.-----am I
disappointed ?
> you bet your butts --I am downright distressed.
> Get ANY of the top in front of Russert for 5 minutes ---listen
carefully ---and you know
> what I mean.
> They should ALL have to face Russert and Hagar.  ----yes even the black
Mayor of New
> Orleans  ---was a flop --FEMA was a flop ---Blunderbush was a FLOP.
> Now for the GOOD side ?---yes they exsists.  --The Pumping stations are
> UPER  --IMHO.-----really nice design  IMHO.   ------ Is this a Louisiana
problem ?  or is
> it an Amerikan problem ?  ----------------IMHO   ---Amerikan.  ---Diesel
content ?   you
> bet and I point my finger at the Administrator of the " Charity Hospital
> should a diesel backup in a Hospital fail for lack of FUEL.?  --in less
than a
> week.?----or for any other reason in a flood.?---.( NOT on my watch ).
> Do we in Kanada have resent experience with Martial Law ?   --bet your
butts  and it
> worked.----
> --should it have been used in this case ? --absolutely---NO RED TAPE
> Hagar.
> PS :  Hagar is totally disgusted with the response.(first 5 days).
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