[Vwdiesel] Limping Home: Front Wheel Bearings

Val Christian val at mongobird.com
Mon Sep 12 16:42:24 EDT 2005


You are absolutely right.  I did this the last bearing I replaced.  
I can't say that I recommend it.  I normally work alone, and holding the
strut, spring, etc., and juggling the stack-o-sockets (I use 3/4" drive
sockets with my press), was a real treat to watch.  But it is a
valid technique, and one has to get the ball joint off anyway, so 
undoing the 13 mm nuts for the bearing plate is probably less
work than taking the lower strut bolts off (and reseting the camber).
Come to think about it, not all VWs have bolted-in bearing plates.
Some just prop up there.

"Bob may be frugal, but smart."    

BTW, I typically nurse front bearings until I'm ready to replace the front
struts, and then I do them all at once.  Just because a bearing is 
making a little noise, doesn't mean that the timebomb will go off!

Bob, think we could prototype the poorman's bearing puller for front bearing
replacement?  I was going to use a screw from a spring compressor, and a 
stack of 3/4" sockets and metal plates.  What I'm not clear on is how to 
start the process.  It seems that pulling the hub flange is the first
step, and then working the bearing out.  So a piece of well caseing, 
with a plate over it, and a hole for the threaded rod....


> To save the cost of realignment, I remove entire strut with bearing housing attached. A bit more awkward when setting up for press though.
> Cheap Bob in the Entire State
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Val Christian <val at mongobird.com>
> To: H . Hagar. <h_hagar at prcn.org>; vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> Sent: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 13:10:29 -0400 (EDT)
> Subject: [Vwdiesel] Limping Home: Front Wheel Bearings
> Hagar,
> I have allot of experience with wheel bearings on Rabbits.
> 1. Front bearings give lots of notice.  
> 2. Bearing wear is (load)*( (speed)**2), so if it gets real bad,
> slow down.
> 3. Minimize side load.  (Slow down on curves?)
> 4. Look for heat (passive IR thermometer).  If it starts kicking up,
> then stop.
> 5. Avoid potholes.  A marginal bearing starts fracturing when pothole
> loads happen.
> 6. Carry a spare bearing ($30 or so) with you, or have someone
> on call who can run you one if you really need it.
> 7. Jack front up, and see how much play you have.  If the play is small,
> you probably have a little time (miles).  Take a jack with you.
> You can monitor progress.
> Other notes: One car went through left front bearings every 30K. 
> Once I changed the spindle (after about 7 bearings), the recurring 
> problem went away. Bearings fail for various causes, not only load
> and age.     Also, a spindle pull, and bearing press takes about 
> 2 hours, with me doing it, in my home shop.  Press and torch at hand.
> Precool bearing prior to pressing into spindle.  Also, if inner 
> race is in hub flange, and doesn't want to press of easily, don't
> even consider cutting/grinding.  Use acetylene torch.  Cleaner job,
> and takes about three minutes total extraction time.  Also, emery
> paper hub flange and spindle casting to remove the "peaks".  Light
> oil lube OK, do not use neverseeze (metal particles in NZ may contaminate
> bearing).  Also, consider 2' square with shims (blocks of wood), to
> jig up and duplicate camber angle of wheel after spindle re-insertion
> onto strut and ball joint.  Then get a laser 4 wheel alignment.  If
> unable, set camber to 0 degrees, and toe-in to 0.  A Torpedo
> level, with magnetic base will help set the camber.  Light chain,
> or even string will set toe-in.  I've also laid straight 12' 2x4s
> against the front wheels to judge how the toe-in looks.  On a Rabbit
> visually straight is VERY close to really straight.  Driving on a 
> dirt or snow covered road can help verify alignment, also.
> Next time I have a front bearing to do, I'm going to try using the screw
> from a spring compresser, and a set of large sockets, and shims, to 
> press the bearing out of the spindle while on the car.  There are
> kits to do this, but they cost, and I suspect that I can jury rig a
> tool to accomplish it.  Heating the spindle casting may help.
> Hope this is of help.
> Val
> > 
> > I ran in to two different systems --during my Rabbit adventures ---NOTHING I 
> ever seen--in
> > 73 years--------works better than the two spring clip style.
> > 
> > I just looked at the High Flow  manifold --that I promised Loren ---looks fine 
> to me .
> > If I get to -Issaquah
> >   tomorrow  ---I shall leave it at a service station  close to you Loren 
> ---use it or pass
> > it on to a needy - person.
> > 
> > I have no passport ---so I am going to Bullshit my way across the border.    
> -- Using my
> > NATO credentials.
> > 
> > I shall let you all know how that works out ---good for a laugh say I.
> > 
> > I heard that Louanne had a heart attack last Tuesday morning and died
> > almost instantly.  The service for her will be in Issaquah this Tuesday,
> > September 13 at 12:00 at the home of a friend of Louanne.
> > 
> > If Hagar does not get there ?  ---it is for a good reason.
> > 
> > 
> > Hagar.
> > 
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