[Vwdiesel] Hillbilly Tuning ---( 14 sept 2005 )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Wed Sep 14 11:36:23 EDT 2005

Isn't there a way to get more milage by setting the Injection Pump dial
indication a little higher or lower than what is shown in the Bentley?
Resulting in no damage to the pump or engine, of course.

Doug Boes  --- simple answer is yes --  BUT do not do it.   ----Like Chuck Carnohan said
study  archives first.

The name " Hillbilly Tuning " was coined by our friend from Tyler Texas----I Hagar became
the commander in Chief Tuner ---and that was a LOT of work ?--a LOT of play.-Ja ?.---I am
proud as a Peacock  wearing that Title ---EH ? -Ja ?-.

The procedures used is a result of a LOT of very smart people in this forum.-providing
information.---Every dicipline in the world has a FEW masters  ---like in music
? ---Mozart  ---in Electricity  Nicolaj Tesla  and on and on and on.

The POOL of talent in this forum if you fully understood ?  would blow your socks
off.---sure blew my socks off.
Remember the procedures are still being improved and condensed in writing---so be
patient ---we will get it done.
This is for OLD Rabbits and relatives from 1977 to about  1984.---++++ ?   NO computers.

Some day we will have a checklist  ---like the one used in Airliners--- that will make it
easy for NEWBIES to get going. ---and that was the goal.

Hillbilly saying ?  ---OK OK OK you tested you adjusted you TIMED everything to perfection
?   Ja ?------- and she still smokes or give low power or Smileage ? JA ? --THAT is the
time to learn about Hillbilly Tuning.

IT works  trust me --but verify-----------try it --it will blow your socks off.


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