[Vwdiesel] Injection pump timing
H . Hagar.
h_hagar at prcn.org
Wed Sep 14 15:33:07 EDT 2005
impossible to instruct that using a keyboard. I'd hate to see someone who really
shouldn't be altering their pump timing doing so. As an aside, I think it's it's
brilliant that you are using the 1.5 nozzles, set to a slightly higher
breaking pressure to increase efficiency and boost your smileage. I strongly suspect
that those are the main reason for your success. Timing? of course it can be
a substantial factor, but honestly, I would be very curious to know where
your "actual" pump timing is set to? Do you have the timing tool? Can you get
hold of one and get a reading? Do you know the breaking pressures you have
your injectors set for?? If you could provide some actual, specific data, then I
would feel like we have something more concrete to work with. Sorry, Doug
Hagar sez Doug --nothing absolutely NOTHING to be sorry about. --I am sure ALL
agree. ---I know you are a flyboy --and all. (private)---so is Hillbilly Tuning specific
? yes ---- BUT there is a Listening component.--and if you are a deaf mute ?---use those
OTHER senses . ---feelings and what not.'-------------you can still read ? and see smoke ?
Hagar agrees --it is a handicap not to be able to hear.
Nozzles brilliant ? NO --just a fluke ----Tuning ? smarts ? NO just by chance.---so if
you believe in a superior power ---you have a field day on this one---The truth is that
Hagar has NO explanation for ----smileage----weird --man weird --- BUT FUN ?.----Read
James Hansen on setting pressure on Injectors ----set them HIGH----BUT that is only one
thing--- there are a lots more. Like I said many times --Ja ? it is complicated ---BUT
fun. Does Hagar believe in a strange power ? --bet your Butts.--100%.
PS : Yes I Hagar has many --many dial indicators ---they are little use in Tuning --BUT
great for TIMING.
so ? you have to use good old management judgment --like Val Christian and Hagar has
preached for years.----there is no NO magic solution---IMHO ---BUT there is a good
solution --make that a Magic solution---WOW if you believe in Magic ? like me --shit
you are half way there.----it has to be MAGIC.
Shit ? change all my flukes --to Magic.--??? Is Hagar a magician ? --sure hope
so.---BUT all I wanted to be was a "Diesel Wizard"---boy oh boy am I close.?.
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