[Vwdiesel] Turbo talk for beginners ---( yes Hagar is a beginner )

LBaird119@aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sun Sep 18 19:34:16 EDT 2005

PS : one of our  turbo gang had one sitting on the shelf as a bookstop --for 
bastard --he got it on Ebay for about 300 dollars.----them days are gone.

  Dad had two of them, NIB for several years.  One of my suppliers told 
me about another supplier/liquidator that he thought had some.  We got 
the last two of three (other one was already spoken for.)  Said he started 
with 200!  Had several semi trailers full of body parts too.  A VW 
"dealer" had gone under and he bought it all up for fractions of a cent on 
dollar I believe.  All he had left were some speakers and mirrors.
  One went on his pu and one is "spare."

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