[Vwdiesel] Basic questions from diesel owner wannabe

Andrew Buc AndrewBuc at staxman.net
Mon Sep 19 21:05:41 EDT 2005

On Monday, September 19, 2005, at 09:58  AM, Sandy Cameron wrote:

> And remember not to pass up a gasser in good condition, to drop a 
> diesel
> engine into.
> It's a simple bolt-in operation, I now own a realy nice 87 Carat 
> diesel with
> all the toys (not available from vw) curently an NA, but destined to 
> become
> a TD when the old 87 Jetta rots out and donates its engine.

I definitely like the concept, but I assume that for it to be 
cost-effective, I'd have to do it myself? I've never been much of a 
wrench and have pretty much hired out work on my cars.

In my jurisdiction, I think a car has to be over 25 to drop off the 
smog-check radar.

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