[Vwdiesel] 1st oil change after rebuild?

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Tue Sep 27 15:09:55 EDT 2005

 Should I dump the dino
oil now,
Shawn Wright

I Hagar thinks of you as deserving lots of help.  --And I am in lockstep with
Loren ----BUT make sure you read Val Christian --before using syn.
You should have used Aircraft break-in oil to start with---easy to get at Cassedy
airport.or Sidney airport.
Metal particles to clog filter ?  if so you got another tear down. ---Just do your
rip  --with some good judgment and change when you get home.
Do I envy you ?  bet your butt. If this weather holds --WOW  --BC Roads are super. Thanks
to Flying Phil  --Phil Gaglardi  and ZEZE..of Social Credit party.

NOTICE :    Break-in is paramount for long life of any engine.---do it wRight.  ---if you
glaze that beautiful HONING job you did ? you will be sorry. IMHO.
And do NOT use friction modifiers in FUEL  --like Stanadyne and what not. Use a quart of
break-in oil to a tank-full  --at least for the first  1500 KM.---NO two cycle oil ya hear
?.   ---let me warn you , the hokus pokus and the wand works --because it works on your
MIND. --and so it is with Prayers.---does it works on St.Peter ?  I do not know for
sure --BUT it may . so take no chance.And make sure you report back here after the trip.


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