[Vwdiesel] Rabbit drppings # 222 ---( with GEORGIA on my mind )

LBaird119@aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Tue Sep 27 16:00:26 EDT 2005

NO kid would miss one day of school. 

  Did you actually listen to all of the news report on that?  First you can
bet they aren't "missing" two days of school.  You can bet they are 
going to "get" to go two more days at the end of the year to make up 
for it so it's simply being delayed by two days.  Any time we miss a 
day of schol here becuase of snow it IS made up so that they are in 
session the full 180 days.  
  Frankly most kids could miss a fourth to a third of school and still  
learn and pass the classes.  Days of school don't make an education.
  The point of it all is NOT that they can't afford the diesel but to cut the 

use of it during a "crisis" to keep the supply free for emergency use.  
The governor made the decision NOT the President.

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