[Vwdiesel] Decision time...
H . Hagar.
h_hagar at prcn.org
Wed Sep 28 13:38:10 EDT 2005
Sorry for such a depressing post... but don't hold back in telling me your ideas, I'd
rather suspect the worst and avoid it, than well... the other way of finding out...
Thanks guys.
Shawn Wright
Hagar sez ---: OK Shawn Wright first thing first---we so something about your depression
and phobias.------ enter Hagar the wizard---and his Hillbilly hokus pokus --akra
adrabra ---Make no mistake about it I know the power POWER of a good spirit.---break a
mans spirit --and he WILL be a loser.--And you are no LOSER --ya hear ?
Step back take a rest and do not let it affect you know who ? ---worries are contagious to
kids ----Panic is --that I know from the WAR # 2. So relax --take the Jetta for the
trip. Enthusiasm and a good outlook on things ? --yah that kind of rubs off too.--And
Hagar got lots to spare.---Tomorrow you are going to them thar hills --and Hagar is going
to the Hospital for a stress test on the main PUMP.
I totaled up you blessings and here they are : Smarts ? -ok drive ? ok , skills ?
(improving) Computer skills ? --excellent (big plus IMHO) ---and this forum ? how can
you loose ? and you reside in a not too bad part of the world Ja ?--- SO ? how the hell
can you LOOSE ? --tell me . Grenading my A-eh butt.
Park it and get ready for a good vacation with the family.---When you get back ? we will
go at it step by step-. OK ?.----NOBODY nobody read my lips --who has so many things
going their way will ever LOOSE.---NEVER.
Hokus pokus and the wand ? --what is it about ? --The POWER of the MIND ---have I seen
it up close ? --bet your butt --many times.--It is sometimes called HYPNOSIS.----under the
spell you can do amazing things --trust me .
PS : Hagar the levitated ? --yes indeed -but only one time --dam it.---Levitation ? bet
your butt---I consider it part of Lucid Dreaming-.sure was FUNNY. --- remember REVIN ?
73 and only levitated one time ? yah disappointing.
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