[Vwdiesel] 1st oil change after rebuild?

Mark Shepherd mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk
Wed Sep 28 11:20:43 EDT 2005

don't baby it too much.  The rings NEED to be worked hard a little bit
during break in.  Some 3/4 to full throttle bursts of acceleration for
only a few seconds at a time helps the rings seat properly.  Do a google
search on motorcycle engine break in and you will see some interesting
facts.  It turns out the irrasistable urge to punch it is a good thing if
not done too long and you let the engine cool down after the burst.

Do you mean like this site?


Very good boobs [oops] Bikes.
Most interesting was the ring break-in and the higher performance from
smaller inlet valves. I book-marked this some 4 years ago!!!

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