[Vwdiesel] boost

Libbybapa@wmconnect.com Libbybapa at wmconnect.com
Fri Sep 30 18:37:34 EDT 2005

In a message dated 9/30/05 3:24:20 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 
mikitka at earthlink.net writes:

> Are those boost pressures correct?
> I don't have an EGT gage, (kicking myself in the butt that I didn't do it
> when I had the exhaust manifold off) :-(.
4 psi cruising at 70 sounds right.
12 psi sounds about like the max that you can set the k14 wastegate for 
without putting a bleed valve in the wastegate line.  Mine maxes out at 11psi.  
There isn't a whole lot of adjustment to the wastegate.  The turbo will put out 
15+ psi unwastegated.
As for the EGT gauge, you can also put the thermocouple after the turbine in 
the downpipe.  It will give a different relative reading, but still lets you 
know when you are getting too hot.  There are plenty of clamp on thermocouples 
where you just drill a hole and wrap the clamp around the pipe.  Relatively 
easy to install without removing anything.


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