[Vwdiesel] Strange...

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Sat Apr 1 02:21:39 EST 2006

I had to resend this...
servers bounced it.

Maybe Loren the evil administrator doesn't like aircooleds...

James Hansen wrote:
> An inline watercooled into a Karmann Ghia?
> ACK! Sacrilege!!! spit! spit!
> why not just put in a toronado drivetrain in it then...
> -James
> (whose herd contains a mustard yellow 69 ghia vert.)
> On a more serious note, you may find the added weight of the watercooled 
> hanging out the back of the ghia makes for a car that can barely steer 
> on mild acceleration.  They push bad at the best of times... (understeer 
> that is)especially on braking or acceleration... or wet pavement, or 
> grass, or a slalom course in a dusty parking lot for that matter.
> Desktop dyno sez i have 130hp in the factory motor. That's plenty 
> really, any more and it would not be very safe, and thats with a light 
> motor in the back.  Add weight to the engine, you lose front weight even 
> more, making the front pretty slippy even on dry pavement.
> -J
> David Cook wrote:
>> Well, since there is nothing else to talk about...
>> Tomorrow I plan on working on one of the two '81
>> Rabbits I bought not too long ago.  Here are a couple
>> bad (night time) pics of the cars overhanging the ends
>> of Grandpa's trailer.
>> <http://community.webshots.com/album/549078844idrvYj>
>> Anyway, I plan on fixing up the green one and just
>> selling it.  I'll take all the good parts from the two
>> to do that.  If there are enough good parts leftover
>> to fix up the other one to sell, I will, but I'm
>> betting it will end up being parted out, and donating
>> it's engine to a Karmann Ghia that I have yet to buy. The green one is 
>> the nicer one overall.
>> So tomorrow since it will finally be nice and warm, I
>> am going to spend most of the day outside, getting it
>> ready. 
>> Since it has sat for at least a year, I am going to
>> first replace the timing belt and tensioner, then
>> install a radiator, new coolant and oil, and fuel. Then, we'll see if 
>> she'll run.
>> After that, I'll clean out all the spare parts/junk in
>> the car and see if I can take it for a drive to see
>> why it was making all those crazy noises when we
>> pulled it from the church we unloaded the trailer at
>> to my house.
>> I did notice that the wheel bolts were loose
>> yesterday, so hopefully that was the major source of
>> all the noise.
>> David
>> --- LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
>>>   NO traffic except suddenly the spam has gone way
>>> up.
>>>      Loren
>> David Cook
>> Red '86 Cabriolet Diesel Powered
>> Red '90 g60 Corrado Brown and White '78 Westy Campmobile "Bear"
>> and others in various states of disrepair
>> Pictures here: community.webshots.com/user/superdave5599
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