[Vwdiesel] Strange...Diesel Karmann Ghia

David Cook vwdieselbunny at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 1 13:12:18 EST 2006

I've seen Golf engines in Beetles, as well as one in a
Karmann Ghia, so it must not be *that* crazy...

I just figured with the improved aerodynamics, I could
get pretty good mileage out of a KG, and the engine
lid is shaped better to accept the inline engine w/o
modification, which is why I like the KG over a

Don't worry, if I ever do it, it won't be something
that can't be fairly easily reversed.  I would avoid
much, if any, cutting of metal.  I figure that a fox
radiator would probably fit in the back okay, and I
guess I could add some weight to the front by moving
the battery...

I figure that the HP would be pretty much the same, so
we won't have to worry about anything more than "mild"
acceleration, LOL!  (I don't know torque figures for a
stock late 60's T1 engine or VWD either off the top of
my head.)

Mostly, I think it would be a fun and interesting
project, but would depend on me finding the right (no
engine, no rust...) KG before I found something better
to do with that engine, which could include selling


--- James Hansen <jhsg at sasktel.net> wrote:

> I had to resend this...
> servers bounced it.
> Maybe Loren the evil administrator doesn't like
> aircooleds...
> :-)
> James Hansen wrote:
> > An inline watercooled into a Karmann Ghia?
> > ACK! Sacrilege!!! spit! spit!
> > why not just put in a toronado drivetrain in it
> then...
> > -James
> > (whose herd contains a mustard yellow 69 ghia
> vert.)
> > 
> > On a more serious note, you may find the added
> weight of the watercooled 
> > hanging out the back of the ghia makes for a car
> that can barely steer 
> > on mild acceleration.  They push bad at the best
> of times... (understeer 
> > that is)especially on braking or acceleration...
> or wet pavement, or 
> > grass, or a slalom course in a dusty parking lot
> for that matter.
> > 
> > Desktop dyno sez i have 130hp in the factory
> motor. That's plenty 
> > really, any more and it would not be very safe,
> and thats with a light 
> > motor in the back.  Add weight to the engine, you
> lose front weight even 
> > more, making the front pretty slippy even on dry
> pavement.
> > -J

David Cook
Red '86 Cabriolet Diesel Powered
Red '90 g60 Corrado 
Brown and White '78 Westy Campmobile "Bear"
and others in various states of disrepair
Pictures here: community.webshots.com/user/superdave5599

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