[Vwdiesel] Fuel Limiter Screw VW 2.4L Turbo Diesel
James Hansen
jhsg at sasktel.net
Sat Apr 15 22:52:41 EDT 2006
Just to add to what Loren wrote...
The pump adjustments should always be your LAST adjustment, after
everything is know to be set perfectly.
Never guess on cam timing. Tuning, or setting for optimum IS at the
factory setting for the diesel cam. The expensive noise you get to hear
isn't worth the trial and error if you're off a couple degrees...
Turning the volume screw in should increase your max fueling at WOT.
However, seeing smoke as a rule of thumb usually means accompanying
higher exhaust gas temps, and without a pyrometer you are kind of
guessing at things.
Bigger injectors for the most part just get the fuel in sooner, rather
than more fuel, unless you increase fueling (again, and EGT is best for
this). The pump only delivers so much fuel per stroke, and bigger
schnozzles get it in sooner so it has longer to burn and increase
combustion pressures- making more power, at the expense of emissions
(higher nitrogen oxide emissions from the higher burn temp). They will
allow more fuel in should you care to increase the fueling, but by
themselves, don't change volume injected significantly.
Tim Hicks wrote:
> Subject: VW 2,4L Turbo Diesel
> Which way cuts it down? I have turned it clockwise and counter clockwise it doesnt cut down on the smoke either way.
> I think the pump is worn and that is why I had a problem timing it by the book. 85 was just way to retarted and I couldnt seem to get enough advance at any setting. I ended up tilting the pump all the way advanced and though it was alot better it still wasnt enough.
> When I tore it down to replace the timing belt I noticed the cam was out, it was too far counter clockwise, I had to turn it a ways to get the locking plate on. It ran great when I first bought it, so I turned the cam shaft back counter clockwise until I could feel one of the valves hitting the piston, then I back off of it a hair.
> It worked, it allowed me to get more advance out of the pump (must be an old trick.)Still not enough though, Ive read it must be at 8.0 to 5.0 BTDC. Im at 17 degrees BTDC. It run really good now.
> I installed rebuilt GTD injectors when I changed the timing belt, could this be my problem as to too much smoke under load/acceleration? These injectors are larger than the standard ones.
> Tim
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