[Vwdiesel] Not being free to buy the cars we want

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sat Apr 15 11:29:12 EDT 2006

In a message dated 4/15/2006 8:18:23 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
toensing at theunion.net writes:

> Canada &most of Europe are more free countries than the USA but at least we 
> can still state our opinion &not go to jail-yet. I am very upset about not 
> being free to buy the car I want

  A LOT of people in this country, who've grown up under freedom, tend 
to confuse "choice" with "freedom."  The intent was for people to be free 
to do "right" vs free to do our "whims."  
  Congress, like any other entity in power has used that freedom to twist 
it to meet their own desires through any loophole they can find.  
  "Most" of Europe is under some sort of communist type of rule (if you're 
going by square mile).  Not very free.  Tax rates are much worse as are 
many regulations on daily life or business (from what we hear in the news 
  By far the tendancy is STILL for people to move TO the US rather than 
OUT of it, which indicates there must still be somethign being done right 
or at least better than most of the rest of the world.  Michale Jackson 
excepted!  ;-D
  Tariff type laws are indeed a major pain in our diesel and fun car 
but it's not the country as a whole doing it. It's certain entities that have 

been given way too much control due to the fact that most of us just want 
to live our lives and don't end up as informed as Scott or professional 
lobbiests are.  If we all were that informed we'd probably have not only 
demanded change but would have prevented many of the issues we 
  We're not the only country that does it though.  Try selling apples to 

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