[Vwdiesel] Quick Rabbit project update and question about pulleys

S. Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Fri Apr 28 00:29:10 EDT 2006

>Do I need a new water pump pulley to match?  How about
>crank pulley?  Anyone have any ideas on shimming the
>alternator pulley to make it stick out a little more? 
>Could that work?  
When I rebuilt my alternator (turned out not to be the good idea  I'd 
thought it would be), I found that there were a variety of shims already 
under the alt. pulley which were probably original.  So, looks as if 
it's clear to shim away.  I messed with mine to get it more in line with 
the pulleys already in the car.  Probably part of the reason I kept 
eating belts....


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