[Vwdiesel] Could I have damaged my Starter? Problems starting my 82 Vanagon

Kevin vwtopia at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 8 12:45:37 EDT 2006

Awhile back I tried to jump start a friends lawn
tractor with my Van.  I didn't have the engine
running, we just hooked jumper cables up to the
battery and to the tractor's battery.  We never were
able to get the tractor started.    But as soon as I
tried to start my Van afterwards it kind of stumbled
starting but did start.  I have continued having
problems starting the Van since.  I have tried a
different battery but have the same problem.  I have
tried putting the battery on a charger and I have also
tried jump starting the Van.  Same problem and most of
the time it won't start. 

It sounds like the engine is not turning over fast
enough to start.  I can push start the Van very
easily.  As soon as I pop the clutch it starts.  

So did I damage the starter?  I'd take it in to a
parts store to test but wonder if it doesn't have a
load if it would test bad?  Is there any test I can do
with it still in the Van?  Any help would greatly be


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