[Vwdiesel] Strange IP Problem

Sandy Cameron scameron at compmore.net
Fri Aug 25 09:55:55 EDT 2006

At 10:12 AM 24/08/2006 -0600, you wrote:
>Try tightening up the recirculation valve on the top of the filter- 
>stuff a toothpick under the hairpin that holds it in, just to make it a 
>tad tighter.  I had a jetta that loved to leak air into the system 
>there: no toothpick, it sucked air, with toothpick, it ran fine.

There is a flimsy O-ring inside the plastic part of that diabolical
contraption that looses it's "seal" with age. I'm not aware that it is a
"regular" VW part. I think I asked once and got a blank stare.

Perhaps they have a replacement for the whole plastic part'

I would bet if you took it to a place (like a refrigeration/air
conditioning) where assortments of O-rings are found, replacements could be

Also, the "bung" it fits on to on the filter is not a precission piece,
being cheaply mass produced as part of a throw-away device. it may have
imperfections that make the seal difficult after long service.
Dirt on the O-ring or bung would be problematic too.

Why air conditioning O-rings are routinely replaced any time a conection is
opened up. 


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