[Vwdiesel] Strange IP Problem

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Fri Aug 25 10:49:21 EDT 2006

> I would bet if you took it to a place (like a refrigeration/air
> conditioning) where assortments of O-rings are found, replacements could be
> found.

I have an o-ring assortment kit in my tickle trunk that has the right 
size and all, it still went together loose enough to leak just a tad.

> Also, the "bung" it fits on to on the filter is not a precission piece,
> being cheaply mass produced as part of a throw-away device. it may have
> imperfections that make the seal difficult after long service.

Even with new O-rings, it leaked some air.  While ingenious, the 
thermostatic valve should have been incorporated into the filter housing 
rather than being an afterthought held on with a hairpin.  I find they 
are prone to leak air into the system quite easily.

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