[Vwdiesel] SilverStar headlights

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Tue Dec 19 15:45:54 EST 2006

David Cook wrote:
> Are the lights he is selling for British cars? 
> Remember, they drive on the other side, so the
> headlights may be aimed at the wrong side of the road,
> blinding everyone in the process!  Just something to
> consider when buying parts off a British, Japanese, or
> Australian sold vehicle.  (I think those are all the
> countries that drive on the wrong side of the road...)
> David

As noted on the page I posted a link to earlier:

"ECE/EEC Marking: Headlamp Suitability for Traffic Direction
This is a very important marking. All low ("passing", "lower", "dipped") beams are an asymmetrical 
distribution of light to give maximum seeing in the direction of travel while controlling glare 
light directed towards oncoming traffic. A headlamp intended for use in traffic that flows on the 
right side of the road must never be used on the left side of the road, nor must a left-traffic 
headlamp ever be used on the right side of the road. A wrong-side-of-road headlamp does not provide 
adequate illumination for the driver to see what he needs to see in order to drive safely, and 
severely blinds oncoming traffic. This cannot be corrected by adjusting the aim of the lamp, 
because traffic-handedness is intrinsic in the optics of the lamp. This means it is very unsafe to 
use UK-spec, Australian-spec, or Japanese-spec ("JDM") headlamps in the United States, Canada, 
Continental Europe or any other location that drives on the right side of the road. Many 
performance parts dealers are illegally importing and selling JDM or wrong-side-of-road ECE 
headlamps into North America, and touting them as a "performance improvement". They may or may not 
have ECE headlamp markings, but they are not a performance improvement -- they are a danger."


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