[Vwdiesel] Help with ID of an engine

Sandy Cameron scameron at compmore.net
Thu Dec 21 13:44:04 EST 2006

At 07:01 AM 21/12/2006 -0500, you wrote:
>Dear Listees,
>Were any of the VW diesel offerings painted green at the factory?  I 
>picked up a NA block  w/head at a scrapyard,
>and the block is green. The IP is still on it, as is one of those 
>boxy-looking A/C compressors (which is mounted on the exhaust-side of 
>the engine, and it has some of the hardware for mounting along the 
>longitudinal axis instead of transversely.  Just wondering if any of 
>this would ring a bell with anyone.

Most remans are painted green, maybe some factory, esp. replacements.

Whoopee! a transplant for a Samurai/sidekick..

I've never seen a car with the longitudinal engine in it.
Were those the audis?, the fox?

If I was junkyard cruising for one, what would I ask for?
Worth it for the brackets and accessories, even if the block is shot.

Might inventory one for future projects.

(SIdekick in neighbour's driveway that hasn't turned a wheel in 2 years)


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