[Vwdiesel] IP Leak

Bryan K Walton bryankwalton at machlink.com
Thu Dec 21 13:45:01 EST 2006

On Thu, Dec 21, 2006 at 08:05:31AM -0800, 82 Diesel Westy wrote:
> Well, I have been running the new fuel since July in
> my 1.9na, and my pump has also started to seep, not
> drip, just seep at the distributor plate big O ring. 
> The pump was re-sealed about 5,000 miles ago.  I have
> put about 3K miles on the van since finishing the
> resto.

I can't even begin to describe how dissappointing it is to hear this. 
Are there other people out there with fairly recent pump reseals that
are seeing problems?  The one thing I'm curious about is the timing of 
your reseal.
I've heard (don't know if its true) that if an IP is resealed and then
is run on nothing but ULSD (and/or biodiesel) that it shouldn't have
any problems.  In essence, the problem stems from running the pump on
diesel fuel with high(er) sulphur and then reducing the amount of
sulphur.  If your pump was resealed 5000 miles ago, then I'm 
assuming that it ran for a while on the non-ULSD.  Of course, this
theory might be bunk.

I had a diesel injection guy tell me yesterday that if I reseal my
pump, things should be OK.  BUT . . . if the government in 15 years
decides to go from 15ppm sulphur to 0ppm, I'll have pump seal problems


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