[Vwdiesel] IP Leak
David Cook
vwdieselbunny at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 21 14:52:29 EST 2006
So far, so good with my diesel cabriolet.
The pump, if I remember correctly, was resealed before
I purchased the car that the engine came out of. The
car had sat awhile, so that work would've been done
probably fall/winter '03/'04.
Though most of the tanks of ULSD have had some
percentage of veggie oil in them.
--- Bryan K Walton <bryankwalton at machlink.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 21, 2006 at 08:05:31AM -0800, 82 Diesel
> Westy wrote:
> > Well, I have been running the new fuel since July
> in
> > my 1.9na, and my pump has also started to seep,
> not
> > drip, just seep at the distributor plate big O
> ring.
> > The pump was re-sealed about 5,000 miles ago. I
> have
> > put about 3K miles on the van since finishing the
> > resto.
> I can't even begin to describe how dissappointing it
> is to hear this.
> Are there other people out there with fairly recent
> pump reseals that
> are seeing problems? The one thing I'm curious
> about is the timing of
> your reseal.
> I've heard (don't know if its true) that if an IP is
> resealed and then
> is run on nothing but ULSD (and/or biodiesel) that
> it shouldn't have
> any problems. In essence, the problem stems from
> running the pump on
> diesel fuel with high(er) sulphur and then reducing
> the amount of
> sulphur. If your pump was resealed 5000 miles ago,
> then I'm
> assuming that it ran for a while on the non-ULSD.
> Of course, this
> theory might be bunk.
> I had a diesel injection guy tell me yesterday that
> if I reseal my
> pump, things should be OK. BUT . . . if the
> government in 15 years
> decides to go from 15ppm sulphur to 0ppm, I'll have
> pump seal problems
> again.
> -Bryan
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David Cook
Red '86 Cabriolet Diesel Powered
Red '90 g60 Corrado
Brown and White '78 Westy Campmobile "Bear"
and others in various states of disrepair
Pictures here: community.webshots.com/user/superdave5599
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