[Vwdiesel] Heads up

Jim Arnott jrasite at eoni.com
Mon Dec 25 23:44:05 EST 2006

Man, was that a challenge to find the data on...

First read about it in some technical journal in the early '80s.   
When I was working in aerospace.

Success! Torlon Polimotor. Run in a Lola 616. 1985 or so.

Details: <http://www.lolaheritage.co.uk/scrapbook/004/004.htm> and


On Dec 25, 2006, at 6:41 PM, Terry Briggs wrote:

> Gm did the same testing in 1979 thru 1981, the results were very good,
> very cool running, used no oil for lubricant, no rings for the  
> pistons.
> Cost was the reason GM scrapped the program, or so my dad told me, he
> had worked on the project.

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