[Vwdiesel] Vwdiesel Digest, Vol 38, Issue 51

Ron Schroeder rjs at bnl.gov
Fri Dec 29 16:00:45 EST 2006

----- Original Message ----- >
> William J Toensing wrote:
>  Or are the conversions which heat a special filter
>> inside the engine compartment plus the injection lines & claim you
>> can start, run, & stop using wvo OK? www.greenbenz.com &
>> www.lovecraftbiofuels.com  advocate a single tank sustem which  say
>> you can with their kits. They also say you can  switch from wvo to
>> new vegetable oil or streight petroleum diesel or intermix them in
>> the same tank.<snip>

Those are probably my last choices for conversions.  A two tank system is 
much safer and more versatile.

>> Also I recall reading somewhere you should not use hydroginated
>> cooking oil. When getting wvo, how do you tell the difference other
>> than what the restaurent tells you they are using? Comments?

With a good 2 tank system, hydrogenated oil is not a problem.  But you do 
have to adequately de-water and filter your fuel which is harder with 
hydrogenated oil.  With my 2 tank system, I can run my diesel on even Lard 
or Butter.  :-)

Ron Schroeder

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