[Vwdiesel] cold start function

paulr reichp at earthlink.net
Wed Feb 15 20:19:52 EST 2006

I wonder whether the permanent magnets in the gear reduction
starters weaken with age, and lose power (crank more slowly)???



LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
>   Without the later model, additional linkage the rpm will not change when 
> you pull out the cold start knob.  It's simply a timing advance that should 
> make it start and idle better when cold and have a sharper diesel knock 
> sound.  If it doesn't then the cable's either not pulling the lever properly 
> (broken or adjustment)  or the pump timing's incorrect, usually retarded.
>   With the knob clear in, look behind the pump and check that the lever 
> the cable is connected to is seated against the bent-metal-bracket stop.
> If not then loosen the screw and adjust.  If it's too tight then the knob 
> won't go all the way in.  
>   My guess is the timing was set with the knob pulled out so it'll be about 
> .15mm retarded (.85mm instead of 1.00mm).  Nothing wrong with setting 
> it closer to 1.05mm most of the time.  :-)
>   Slow cranking is usually from a low battery (new doesn't mean it's fully 
> charged/charging or good), not charging or not fully charging, bad or just 
> plain too small (even if original) positive battery cable, bad ground (alt 
> for 
> charging or battery to body or tranny) or a worn starter. Generally the gear 
> drive starters don't slow as much as the older ones.  Mine doesn't seem 
> to crank quite as fast as the older type either though.

>     Loren
> In a message dated 2/14/2006 10:31:24 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
> kel-digitronics-pl at shaw.ca writes:
>>The problem I am having is the cold start has absolutely no effect when I 
>>use it. The previous owner says it's been that way since he had it (along with 
>>the rebuilt head).
>>When the car is warm the car runs good, but not having the cold start when 
>>the engine is cold makes it hard to start, and rough till it heats up.
>>Any thoughts? I found some info on the pump on the net (kits, blowup 
>>diagrams etc.) but it doesn't really mention the cold start.
>>The lever on the pump moves, but no change in rpm's.
>>I don't know if this helps, but it's not as fast turning over the engine as 
>>my last car ,also same since last owner.
>>(brand new battery recently)
>>Thanks for any help you can give
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Paul Reich                Electrical Engineer

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