[Vwdiesel] Rabbits 2006 ---( The year of the Rabbit )

Svend M Kjong svend at prcn.org
Sun Jan 1 16:26:49 EST 2006

The Chinese have a calendar  ---where each year has a name ---The year of the Rat ?  --see
? JA. ----for me 2006 is THE year of the Rabbits.  ---I finally know what a magnificent
animal they really are.---That took me a lot of study. ----Hogwarts Wizard on Rabbit
diesels ? not yet --but the progress would blow your socks off.

I am getting so close to competent --that it is a Cats whisker.away. ---or if you like a

I have to mention that this Forum  --was a God send --for me ----was it all by chance that
I pushed that key on the keyboard ?  --or did a higher power guide my finger
  ---fascinating thought to me.  ---BUT by pure chance ? --not likely.

Is it not interesting how some people --get good at things ? --Like Mozart or Bobby
Fisher ---or Einstein.?-----why am I so good at certain things ?  WHY ? --- and why can I
not explain it ?.

Must be beyond explanation ?  Ja . ?

Try asking Mother Theresa --why ?   ----you will not get an answer that I can
understand.---BUT I fully understand what the results are.---Like Ghandi  going to the
beach for salt. ---- He changed India beyond comprehension. ---So I will sign off with a
word or two about  Mr. Diesel. ----His invention changed the world --like Alvas Bulb .? Ja
?.   What Alvas Bulb did to seeing things at night --Mr.Diesels engines did to

What really happened to Mr. Diesel ?   anyone know ?.

Svend .      ---the Optimist.

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