[Vwdiesel] Injection Pump testing ---( the fuel flow test )

Svend M Kjong svend at prcn.org
Wed Jan 4 14:16:21 EST 2006

Flow through an orifice is common bread and butter physics. ---I only have a table for air
at my fingertips.----  0.25 Inch US hole at  10 psi = 21.8 Cubic feet pr minute.  --at  40
psi =  49.1 ---- likewise the flow through the IP  banjo bolt orifice   ---is a direct
measure of pressure in pump.

On a 107 0r 109 pump   if you do not have 34.8 minimum  at idle 1000 rpm you will have a
less than proper

Bunny Bondo  ---1984 Turbo with 107 pump  flow is  625 ml  every 90 seconds at
idle.----The way she performs tells the tale.---THOSE are good numbers.

This test is simple   and the information is important.  Lets say the flow is correct ?
Ja.   Then you know that screen in tank is ok  and Main filter is OK   ---and Vane pump is
ok and that the fuel regulater valve works.----that is important to know.

Sorry my mind is in a coal mine.

So I shall continue later.


PS : this is part of Hillbilly TUNING.

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