[Vwdiesel] Lee calling BS

Svend M Kjong svend at prcn.org
Fri Jan 13 12:22:29 EST 2006

I'm a little surprised that anyone on this list doesn't know that Svend has a tendency to
stretch his facts sometimes, "embellish" as it were.  Or-- that you should not always take
what he says "literally". Why be so grouchy about it.  Have fun!  This isn't the Bible for
gawd sakes.  Ferg
  Ferg to that I svend say   AMEN.

The 100 below F   --stands. -----BUT it is a moot question   ---none of you will ever have
to get a Rabbit going at minus 100 F.

What makes me say I can do it ?   ----EXPERIENCE..     I am 73 on the way to 74-----and
for some strange reason   (devine?maybe)   I was involved in the start up of the worlds
biggest Induction Furnace for steel making. ---Then the biggest Sawmill in the
world ----then the biggest drive in FREEZER in the world.

Did I forget the Super Gun ?  --I did not get to work on it --BUT I worked for the
company --ask Sandy Cameron   he lives in Stittsville.

But back to the FREEZER.-----what did I learn ?   ---Use dry moly or graphite   --if a
liquid is not essential.

If a grease or liquid is essential ?  go 100 %   synthetic. ---at 100 minus F   ---I would
use Silicon Dashpot oil.---in the sump.-------At 100 minus F  --your Battery Lead Acid
  --no good---so you must warm it.
I could go on for a long time ---do I need ?  ---by now you all know I am not kidding.

But the lesson or moral of the threads ?  --make them informative--make them
interesting ---make them Entertaining ---and finally , the most important ---make them
thought provoking.

I am a great promoter of the "Good Old Amerikan Know How" ---for a reason.


PS :  today is Friday 13  January 2006  ---and Bunny Bondo will not move ---read my lips.

In London England they have a great tradition of a "Soap Box" ---I like it.

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