[Vwdiesel] This forum is dieing ? ---no way --IMHO.

Svend M Kjong svend at prcn.org
Fri Jan 13 13:38:07 EST 2006

I use to brag about I read ALL threads----so if this forum is dead ?  how come I can not
keep up with the threads ?.

OK I try I do my best..

They used to say Clothes makes a man ?   ----bull ---the contents of his BRAIN makes a
man. IMHO.

Next  comes WHAT is in that BRAIN ?  ----that is the most important part IMHO.

In about 1962 I met a woman by the name Joan Thiessen   --her husband Harold Thiessen
worked as a mechanic for  FINNING TRACTOR --BC   --Caterpillar stuff.

OK here comes Lord Tennyson----and his Ulysses.---Joan took up reading
poetry ----WOW----and she said after reading Ulysses ----she identified me with him
?-----I was proud as a Peacock.
Off to the library for Lord Tennyson ----she was right.

All of you are part of what you read here.---and ALL you met.---and so am I.

Diesel connection ?  ---Caterpillar will do ?-------better.


PS :    I think her name is Joanna. ----nice lady.

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