[Vwdiesel] oil squirters

hwy9fergs at comcast.net hwy9fergs at comcast.net
Fri Jan 13 19:53:28 EST 2006

Hi Andrew, I guess it's time I piped up about this, Svend even asked a few weeks ago about my efforts to fit squirters into an NA block. The later NA blocks (after CR) had the same casting as the turbo blocks, so they can be machined to accept squirters. I am not aware of anyone (including myself) who has ever actually done it. When I contacted the dealer parts guys about the squirters, they quoted around 40 dollars US each. (ouch) I then heard from a reasonably reliable source that some of the Audi four bangers were equipped with the same squirters, so they could concievably be acquired at a pick and pull or other source for far less than 160 bucks---but---you'd have to find and pull them out--and I'm not too sure of how doable that is with the crank in place. Loren told me about the mod you might be remembering.  His solution on one of his engines was to drill a small channel into the main bearing oil gallery adjacent to each cylinder, allowing oil to squirt from them up under the pistons.  Needless to say, you would want to be quite sure of your aim in drilling those.  And you would need to go to the "turbo" oil pump as well.  If I was bound and determined to convert a block (which I thankfully never needed to resort to)  I would try to get the block machined to accept the squirters.  But that's just me.  Take care, Doug Ferg

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